What makes it funny?

Readers of re:Cycling know that we love menstrual humor – we’re always willing to mock femcare adverts and can even laugh at ourselves. But, honestly, what’s funny about repeating the names of feminine hygiene products? It wasn’t funny when SNL...
Putting the ‘Men’ in Menstruation

Putting the ‘Men’ in Menstruation

Guest Post by David Linton, Marymount Manhattan College A lot of ideas get hatched in a bar over drinks with friends. Most don’t make it past the sober morning after.  But a conversation in a Denver bistro in 2008 led to the creation of a new Internet service that...
Guest Post: Chella Quint

Guest Post: Chella Quint

This morning brings our first guest post, from our friend Chella Quint at Adventures in Menstruating. Nice guys don’t always finish last Sometimes they come in…second. Hear me out – I’ve (possibly in my sleep, which means this is one of my...
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