Counterfeit EC in Circulation

Counterfeit EC in Circulation

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has issued a warning to consumers not to use the emergency birth control medicine labeled as Evital. The drug is not safe or effective in preventing pregnancy. The packaging label of the potentially ineffective and suspect...
We’re back!

We’re back!

Tap, tap. Is this thing working? Is this thing on? After some rest, reconnaissance, and re-organization, re:Cycling is back — bigger, bolder, and with more menstruation and women’s health news than ever. Most of our old team is back, along with a few new...


In the LA Times earlier this month, under the banner ‘oddities, musings and news from the health world,’ came a rewritten press release masquerading as one of the above that stated ‘Birth control pills using 24-day regimen may be more effective.’ Firstly,...
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