Weekend Links

Anthropologist Kate Clancy explains the myth of menotoxins and the scientific conclusion: Menstruation is just blood and tissue you ended up not using. Now that you’ve given up oral contraceptives, here’s a great way to re-purpose all those pills: this...
Literary Menstruphobia – Part II

Literary Menstruphobia – Part II

Speculation about the private lives of historic figures is always a dicey thing. The task is made more difficult depending on how long ago the individual lived, how well known they were in the first place, whether they or their acquaintances wrote about them, whether...
Weekend Links

Weekend Links

It’s not really about clitoral vs. vaginal orgasms: The Clitoris, the Vagina and Orgasm: Feelings and Frameworks. In a personal narrative at Feministing.com, blogger Jos explains what my Christian fundamentalist upbringing taught me about periods. Do not try...
Links for a long weekend

Links for a long weekend

There were a couple of posts in the feminist blogosphere this week in defense of period sex. Apparently heterosexual men need to be reminded from time to time. This story about a nightmarish experience going off hormonal contraceptives has been making the rounds...
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