Weekend Links

Weekend Links

We’re a little late with this story, but the FDA is reviewing the safety of certain birth control pills – those containing drospirenone. That includes best-selling Yaz and Yasmin. Repeating ourselves: Vagina and vulva are two different things. Most...

Weekend Links

Some extra weekend reading for the dog days of summer. You were looking for a reason to stay inside, right? Lesley Kinzel wrote fondly about L7’s infamous tampon-tossing incident for xo. Blogger Kat at Tits and Sass reports on an actual Vagina Beauty Pageant....

Weekend Links

Wired magazine has a piece about the return of the IUD, with illustrations of some of the older models. Excellent advice for cartoonists on how to draw women’s breasts that look realistic. (Hint: there is no cleavage without a bra or something else pushing them...

Weekend Links

It’s been a couple of weeks since we did this, so some of these recommendations are lacking freshness. They’re still good, though. New research indicates that chronic endometriosis is a factor in recurring miscarriage. In the alphabet of feminism, U is for...
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