What makes it funny?

Readers of re:Cycling know that we love menstrual humor – we’re always willing to mock femcare adverts and can even laugh at ourselves. But, honestly, what’s funny about repeating the names of feminine hygiene products? It wasn’t funny when SNL...

Are You a Creative Writer?

We’re looking for a few creative works. We are seeking creative writing and art for inclusion in a special issue of Women’s Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal that focuses on social and cultural conceptualizations of menstruation. The issue will highlight...
The Wandering Uterus

The Wandering Uterus

Guest Post By Elissa Stein Cross-posted at Wonders & Marvels While the uterus is a remarkable part of a woman’s anatomy—it can house a growing baby, then shrink back to its original size, work month after month for 40 or so years regenerating its lining, keeping...
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